Lesson 1: Basic Math Concepts and Terms

  • Identifying place values of numbers

  • Identifying math terms and symbols:

  • Equals/ does not equal

  • Plus/minus

  • Multiply/divide

  • Square root

  • Greater than/greater than or equal to

  • Less than/less than or equal to

  • Approximately equal to

  • Infinity/proportional to/percent

Lesson 2: Basic Arithmetic Operations

  • Solving subtraction of whole numbers
  • Solving multiplication of whole numbers
  • Solving division of whole numbers
  • Evaluating the order of basic arithmetic operations

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Lesson 3: Calculator Operations

  • Identifying the function of each calculator key
  • Solving addition problems
  • Solving subtraction problems
  • Solving multiplication problems
  • Solving division problems
  • Solving problems using order of operations
  • Solving percentage problems
  • Solving square root problems

Lesson 4: Averages

  • Defining average
  • Solving averaging problems

Lesson 5: Fractions and Decimals

  • Solving problems requiring the addition and subtraction of fractions
  • Reducing fractions to lowest terms
  • Converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions
  • Calculating percentages

Program Pricing

No Sweat Basic Shop Math

No Sweat Basic Shop Math is designed to teach or review the basic math skills needed to read and interpret blueprints and perform calculations for statistical process control. The materials can be used to support  a formal classroom instructor-led session,  provided as independent study, or deployed as a blended learning  program. 

The program consists of eight independent  lessons. Each student can be assigned specific lessons,as required. The course can be completed in as few as four hours, dependent upon individual learning needs.  

(440) 823-6759

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To order, call toll-free: 440.823.6759   Or send an email to nosweattraining@gmail.com.


1 leaders Binder Shop Math $195 each
1 Shop Math Participant Guide $22 each

bluepint disk

Program  Content

Copyright © No Sweat Training. All rights reserved.

Start-up  Leader's Package: $195

This package includes: 

  • 1 Leader's Guide​
  • 1 Overheads (CDROM)

  • 5 Student Workbooks

  • 5 Assessments

Lesson 6: Measurement Errors, Accuracy and Precision

  • Measurement  concepts
  • Systematic errors
  • Random errors
  • Precision
  • Accuracy​
  • Rounding
  • Significant digits

Lesson 7: Micrometers and Verniers

  • Parts of the micrometer
  • Reading the micrometer
  • Reading the Vernier scale

Lesson 8: The Metric System

  • English vs. metric measurement systems
  • Metric system units of measure
  • Measuring using the metric system
  • Converting between English and metric measurement